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Visitors 258
Modified 14-Jul-24
Created 13-Aug-11
18 photos

Owned and operated by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), "The Chap" consists of 15,200 acres of brush country that is typical of the Rio Grande Plains Ecological Area in South Texas.

These photos were taken on the Paisano Driving Trail, an interpretive driving tour consisting of 49 "stops" along a 8.5 mile route of diverse habitat, and Arena Roja Nature Trail, an interpretive walking trail consisting of 32 "stops" near the Area's check station/office complex. The trail's name, pronounced ah-reh-na ro-ha, is Spanish meaning "red sand".
IH-35 SouthFM 133 WestRio Grande leopard frogRio Grande leopard frogSolitary sandpiperCrested caracaraScissor-tailed flycatcherTexas tortoise (Threatened Species)Texas tortoise (Threatened Species)Scheer's fishhook cactusScheer's fishhook cactusRed harvester antCactus wrenCrested caracaraCrested caracaraGreater roadrunner

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