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Visitors 19
Modified 14-Jul-24
Created 31-Oct-09
177 photos

Llano County, Texas

The Rock is a huge, pink granite exfoliation dome, that rises 425 feet above ground, 1825 feet above sea level, and covers 640 acres. It is one of the largest batholiths (underground rock formation uncovered by erosion) in the United States.

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Guestbook for Enchanted Rock ~ 2009-10-31
Val...aka...Texanna :)(non-registered)
Beautiful, Jim - all of it - I commented on a few but bears repeating here! This is definitely a must-see for captured some great depth and perspective in many of these...I'm surprised at all the color, too - autumn at her best - lots of flowers and looks like you had the perfect day for some hiking and shooting...Excellent "stuff"!
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