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Visitors 185
Modified 14-Jul-24
Created 25-Apr-12
71 photos

Dedicated to

Angela Lewis
Chamber of Commerce
Llano, Texas

I was fortunate enough to meet a "butterfly" recently while photographing Bald eagles near Llano, Texas. It was in the form of Angela Lewis of the Llano Chamber of Commerce. I don't know her well, but I know she has endured pain, misery, suffering and hardship prior to becoming a double-lung (bilateral) transplant recipient. Amazingly, she has metamorphosed into a wonderfully pleasant person with a magnetic personality, a beautiful smile and a kind word or gesture for everyone. She could very well be a lady dreaming she was a butterfly ... or is she really a butterfly dreaming she is a lady. Whichever way you want to call it, the Earth could use a lot more people, and butterflies, like Angela. Thank you, Angela, for all that you do so willingly for so many.

"Creation Calls" by Brian Doerksen
Common BuckeyeCommon BuckeyeSouthern DogfaceGray HairstreakSouthern DogfaceCommon BuckeyeTawny EmperorSouthern DogfaceCommon BuckeyesGray HairstreakCommon BuckeyesAmerican LadySouthern DogfaceAmerican LadyRed AdmiralTawny Emperor

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